Charted: Who are the youngest and oldest Oscar winners?
The 97th Academy Awards will air on Sunday
Updated: 6:41 PM EST Feb 28, 2025
These are the people who are doing what *** good portion of the rest of the world wished they were doing the night of the Academy Awards, being *** part of it. They are the ones who have success in what may be the most desired and least achieved job in the world, entertainment. Of course *** lot of the actors that were here at the Academy Awards dreamed of being actors when they were children, but if they couldn’t have been actors, what might they have been? *** cowboy, *** fireman or *** policeman or something like that. When I was *** little kid, probably be *** fireman or *** cop like I wasn’t sure. I wanted to be *** musician for *** while and I wasn’t disciplined enough to. Other areas of the arts were *** major choice. Well, when I was younger, I wanted to dance because I trained as *** dancer, *** ballet dancer. I would have liked to have been in fashion. And retailing and possibly have been in. I would take pictures. I would work for National Geographic. I wanted to direct John Wayne and Westerns, but I gave that up pretty quickly. Of course there were the jocks. I mean when I was *** kid I wanted to be *** football player. I loved playing baseball and I was *** New York Mets fan and I would act out games in my living room. And I got to be humanitarians in the group, some serious, some not so serious. I thought about being *** doctor that would make my siblings laugh so much because I was terrible in school, but there was something about wanting to be around people who needed help. I had the brains to be. I think that’s what I like when I was *** little girl, I wanted to be *** hospital administrator. I’d like to be *** brain surgeon. Any particular reason to improves. Of course some actors never wanted to do anything but what they do. I always wanted to be an actress. I don’t think I really had time to think what I would like to do because I was involved in films, you know, when I was very young. But there were some rather unusual ambitions in this very creative crowd. Master of the foxhounds. An electrician, probably some fast food or something like that. Marissa took home an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, I’d say she came pretty close. from Los Angeles, I’m Dixie Watley.
Charted: Who are the youngest and oldest Oscar winners?
The 97th Academy Awards will air on Sunday
Updated: 6:41 PM EST Feb 28, 2025
The 97th Academy Awards will take place on Sunday, and for some actors, the anticipation of hearing their names could mean making history. Timothée Chalamet is nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his performance as Bob Dylan in “A Complete Unknown.” If Chalamet wins the award, he will become the youngest actor to ever win that award. Adrien Brody currently holds that record. Brody won that award in 2003, for his role as Wladyslaw Szpilman in “The Pianist.” Brody was a couple weeks away from turning 30 when he won the award. Chalamet turned 29 back in December.Viewing in the app? Click here for the best interactive experienceCynthia Erivo was nominated for Best Leading Actress for her role as Elphaba Thropp in “Wicked.” Though she wouldn’t make the top 10 youngest actresses to win that award, she would become the youngest person to achieve the coveted EGOT — signifying a winner of an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award.The oldest actresses to win the Best Actress in a Leading Role include Katharine Hepburn and Frances McDormand. Hepburn won the award multiple times, with her last win in 1982. She was 74 years old, making her the second oldest person to win that award. McDormand won the award twice, most recently in 2021, when she was 63 years old. Anthony Hopkins became the oldest actor to win Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2020 for his role in “The Father.”The average age for the youngest actors in a leading role was 32, while the average age for the youngest actresses in a leading role was 24. The average age for the oldest Best Actor and Best Actress winners was 65. PHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiPiFmdW5jdGlvbigpeyJ1c2Ugc3RyaWN0Ijt3aW5kb3cuYWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcigibWVzc2FnZSIsKGZ1bmN0aW9uKGUpe2lmKHZvaWQgMCE9PWUuZGF0YVsiZGF0YXdyYXBwZXItaGVpZ2h0Il0pe3ZhciB0PWRvY3VtZW50LnF1ZXJ5U2VsZWN0b3JBbGwoImlmcmFtZSIpO2Zvcih2YXIgYSBpbiBlLmRhdGFbImRhdGF3cmFwcGVyLWhlaWdodCJdKWZvcih2YXIgcj0wO3I8dC5sZW5ndGg7cisrKXtpZih0W3JdLmNvbnRlbnRXaW5kb3c9PT1lLnNvdXJjZSl0W3JdLnN0eWxlLmhlaWdodD1lLmRhdGFbImRhdGF3cmFwcGVyLWhlaWdodCJdW2FdKyJweCJ9fX0pKX0oKTs8L3NjcmlwdD4=
WASHINGTON —The 97th Academy Awards will take place on Sunday, and for some actors, the anticipation of hearing their names could mean making history.
Timothée Chalamet is nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his performance as Bob Dylan in “A Complete Unknown.” If Chalamet wins the award, he will become the youngest actor to ever win that award.
Adrien Brody currently holds that record. Brody won that award in 2003, for his role as Wladyslaw Szpilman in “The Pianist.” Brody was a couple weeks away from turning 30 when he won the award. Chalamet turned 29 back in December.
Viewing in the app? Click here for the best interactive experience
Cynthia Erivo was nominated for Best Leading Actress for her role as Elphaba Thropp in “Wicked.” Though she wouldn’t make the top 10 youngest actresses to win that award, she would become the youngest person to achieve the coveted EGOT — signifying a winner of an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award.
The oldest actresses to win the Best Actress in a Leading Role include Katharine Hepburn and Frances McDormand. Hepburn won the award multiple times, with her last win in 1982. She was 74 years old, making her the second oldest person to win that award.
McDormand won the award twice, most recently in 2021, when she was 63 years old.
Anthony Hopkins became the oldest actor to win Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2020 for his role in “The Father.”
The average age for the youngest actors in a leading role was 32, while the average age for the youngest actresses in a leading role was 24. The average age for the oldest Best Actor and Best Actress winners was 65.