On November 5, 2024, an overwhelming majority of Mainers voted to limit annual contributions to super PACs from individuals, businesses, and other PACs to $5,000 in a calendar year. Free Speech For People has helped lead the movement to end super PACs nationwide and strongly endorsed this initiative. We congratulate Maine Citizens to End SuperPACs and Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig on this great victory for our democracy!
By definition, super PACs exist by accepting unlimited contributions, which, with certain super PACs, have included multi-million dollar gifts. The initiative passed on Tuesday addresses quid pro quo corruption and the appearance of corruption created by these contributions. In other words, a $5,000 contribution limit effectively eliminates super PACs.
This is just the beginning. Passing this initiative puts us on the road to overturning the disastrous 2010 decision by the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit in SpeechNow v. FEC, which created super PACs in federal elections. It’s a major step towards a democracy without the influence of big money, where our government works by and for we, the people.
Learn more about Free Speech For People’s work to challenge super PACs.