The Turtle Dove: once an iconic bird synonymous with the British countryside, so much so, they have been sung about in the 12 Days of Christmas song for hundreds of years. Alas, Turtle Dove numbers have plummeted in the UK over the last few decades, but the RSPB is working with communities to turn around their fortunes and we are now on the cusp of a magical comeback story.
- General Public/Humankind
- Other
Turtle Doves breeding in the UK have fallen by 99% since the 1960s. This species is migratory, spending spring and summer in the UK and winter in Sub Saharan Africa. In order to breed successfully, a combination of dense tall hedges/ wild scrub and access to the right wildflower seeds. Changes in farming practice impacted this. Another issue, being shot on their migration, has now been resolved for UK birds who migrate through countries that have recently banned hunting.
The RSPB and Operation Turtle Dove partners are working with farmers, land managers, communities and volunteers to provide high quality habitat for this species and provide specialist seed to enable more chicks to be raised. Our skilled advisers work hand-in-hand with farmers and communities to create ideal conditions. The time to act is now! We are winning the battle, know that the solutions work and there are signs of population increase. We now need to expand the project reach.