Un hombre logra atrapar una langosta azul mutante, una rareza estimada en una de cada dos millones, y luego la libera de nuevo en el agua, según un artículo publicado en la revista Nature.
El caparazón azul del crustáceo es el resultado de una mutación genética que hace que la langosta produzca más de una proteína en particular, lo que le da a su…
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25 magnifiques chemins pour embellir votre jardin et transformer votre espace extérieur
Notre dernière maison a été construite sur une pente, et l’un de nos plus grands défis était de savoir comment construire les escaliers menant à l’arrière. Il y avait tellement d’options…
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The Best 25 Backyard Walkways to Expand Your Outdoor Space
Our last house was built on a slope, and one of our biggest challenges was how to build the staırs accessıng the backƴard. There were so many options available, and…
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51 Lighting Ideas for Kitchen Islands to Increase Lighting for Countertop Workspace
Home Designing may earn commissions for purchases made through the links on our website. See our disclosure policy. There are so many ways to illuminate the surface of your kitchen…
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Gazania Planting and Growing
Gazania is very easy to grow due to its extreme heat and drought tolerance. It has beautiful flowers that stretch up to 4 inches across and come in bright colors….
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25 Gorgeous Flower Walkway Ideas
Welcome to a delightful collection of 25 stunning walkway ideas adorned with vibrant flowers. In this article, we’ll explore creative and picturesque ways to incorporate nature’s beauty into your outdoor…
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40 Low-Maintenance Backyard Ideas for Any Season, No Grass Needed
What would you rather be doing on a summer afternoon? Mowing the lawn or relaxing with friends and family in your backyard? Use these ideas for creating inviting, grass-free areas…
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Pennsylvania’s Modern Reinterpretation of a Private Rural House
This utterly breathtaking house is a reconstruction of a private rural house situated in the countryside of Pennsylvania, USA. With some parts of this building dating back to the early…
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45 Unique Living Room Ideas for 2023’s Best Living Room Decor
1 Sharon Rembaum Textures are the secret to giving your soft white living room a refresh. Take it from designer Sharon Rembaum, who dressed this living room with textured pieces…
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Riverview Cabin With A Lovely Porch & Lawn, Close To It All! – Texas
Caroline’s Cabin on the Creek gives an abundance of western ambiance in a historic one-bedroom Fredericksburg 150-year-old log cabin that gives a stupendous garden and backyard, views of City Creek…
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