29 Plants With Heart-Shaped Leaves That Grow Indoors And Outside
Brunnera is one of the stunning outdoor plants with heart-shaped leaves and their excellent silvery nature. Also, this plant also brings white leaf coloration and plenty of colorful blue spring…
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“30 Idées Enchantées d’Éclairage pour Créer Votre Propre Jardin de Conte de Fées”
One of the easiest and most effective ways to transform your garden into a magical place is by adding some garden lighting. It improves safety and security in your garden….
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Jardin d’herbes aromatiques : faits, avantages, plantes principales, conseils de culture et d’entretien
Explorons maintenant comment cultiver un jardin d’herbes aromatiques. Les herbes sont utilisées depuis longtemps pour leurs bienfaits culinaires et thérapeutiques. Les herbes sont encore largement utilisées de nos jours. Les herbes ajoutent…
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32 suggestions for setting up a little garden in various locations to add some greenery
Has an emptƴ space next to the house, even a small space? It can be arranged ınto a garden ın varıous stƴles to be used as a relaxıng corner. So…
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30 Small Garden Pond Designs to Transform Your Backyard
Add a pond to your garden and as well as enhancing your outdoor space it will introduce a favoured spot for calm moments and quiet contemplation. If you love the…
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One bedroom, one bathroom, and a mezzanine floor are all features of a small minimalist house.
Usable Area: 89.6 sqm. (Mezzanine 16.7 sqm.)Details: 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom “Less is more,” said iconic modernist architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Though the minimalist architecture movement didn’t really…
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37 Gorgeous “Small House” Designs Under 20 Square Meters for Convenient Living
It’s no surprise that the population and house prices are continuously rising. And even though lots of people (including professionals like Interior Designers / Decorators) keep coming up with ways…
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The Best “Concrete House” Designs That Are Affordable
If you’re interested in a new modern home you might be wondering about building a house out of concrete. This style of house can be very modern and flexible and…
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33 inexpensive, creative, and fun ideas for a “small cafe in the garden.”
Many friends are looking for ideas for a small trade. to earn more income for the family. Opening a cafe is an idea that is not difficult to do. can…
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Transformez votre jardin d’angle avec ces 30 idées de style extérieur
Le coin du jardin reste souvent non aménagé et oublié. Plutôt que de laisser les coins vides et ternes, remplissez-les de beauté et de joie. Un petit jardin d’angle peut facilement être…
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