For This Californian Backyard, a Modern Landscape Was Designed.
SUBU Design Architecture has shared photos of a landscape design they completed for a home in California. The client asked the designers to create a kitchen garden and an…
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Utilizing a Small Space in a Calm and Practical Way 9m x 8m
Today, the demand for tiny houses is increasing due to the increasing population density and changing living conditions. The sustainability, portability and low cost of these houses increase the demand…
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Bridle Creek Equestrian Community’s farmhouse
Tiny houses are increasing in popularity day by day due to their functional design and versatile use despite their small size. Today we will introduce you to the ‘Farmhouse at…
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Creating a Stunning Black Home out of an Old House
SHED Architecture recently transformed a 1920s bungalow in West Seattle into a contemporary bohemian home. As is common with workforce housing of the era, this 1921 Bungalow’s floorplan was a…
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Inside and out, Western Red Cedar gives this house a cozy feeling
Swatt | Miers Architects has sent us photos of their project, the ‘Happy Valley Residence’ in Lafayette, California. A key design element of the home is the H-shaped layout…
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Bosque House in Canning, Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a work of architecture.
Located in a residential area southwest of Greater Buenos Aires, Casa Bosque is situated on a plot surrounded by large trees of different species. Its aesthetic features elements of regional…
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25 tropical garden ideas transform our landscape into a riot of color and motion
Dreamıng of tropıcal gardens evokes thoughts of vıbrant flowers and large folıage ın colors rangıng from vıbrant lıme green to deep forest green—and gardeners who don’t lıve ın warm, humıd…
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35 original flower bed ideas will completely transform our outdoor spaces for the better.
If you’re thınkıng about landscapıng and want to decorate your front ƴard or back with a garden, flower beds can be a trulƴ beautıful way to elevate your outdoor space….
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Modern and Budget-Friendly Z119 Tiny Home
Many people are bored with traditional houses and are switching to tiny houses. Spacious tiny houses create a large living space in a small area. Today we will introduce you…
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Elevate Experience Center & Show Apartments in the same building
A tranquil retreat from city life. Located in the plush suburbs of Gurugram in NCR, Elevate is a co-venture housing project marking the collaboration of Hines and Conscient, two major…
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