The White Lotus Serves Up Shocking Sexual Escapades Under a Full Moon

Worried that there’s not enough sex on The White Lotus this season? Well, it certainly made up for lost time this week, packing no less than three surprising sex scenes into one hour. Let’s take a closer look at each one, shall we?

BROTHERLY LOVE | On the yacht headed to a full moon rave, Saxon sells Lochlan on the power of confidence, telling him most people are “just sitting there waiting for people to tell them what to do.” But Chloe admits to Chelsea that she’s more into the “little magician,” aka Lochlan, than the swaggering douche. She likes innocent guys, and she’s starved for attention; she and Greg/”Gary” used to have sex three times a day, but “now he’s like a monk.” Chelsea could never cheat on Rick, she says, because she’s “a romantic,” and Chloe scoffs: “All the girls who were romantic ended up broke and brokenhearted. Or worse.” What’s worse, Chelsea wonders? Let’s hope she doesn’t find out.

Saxon is determined to score with Chelsea (“She’s so f–king rude to me that it turns me on”), so he encourages Lochlan to go for it with Chloe. She tells Lochlan about the full moon party — “All the vampires come out. Everybody gets laid” — while Saxon tries and fails to charm Chelsea. (“How about you just be not weird?” she asks him.) Lochlan starts downing drinks at an alarming rate, and when Chloe hands them party drugs to take, the little magician swallows a pill without hesitation. Saxon refuses at first, but after some peer pressure, he relents. And when Chelsea tries to get a hold of Rick but can’t, she wants to let loose: “F–k him. I’m ready to have fun.”

They hit the full moon rave, and Saxon looks drugged and dazed as he walks past fire dancers and twirling glow sticks. They all dance and laugh together, and later, when they head back to the boat, Chloe suggests to Chelsea, “Shouldn’t the four of us just…?” — humping the air to make her point. She thinks Greg might kill her if he found out (“I honestly think he’s capable of it”), but she’s willing to take that chance: “The little magician is going to do his little magic.” The four of them dance and do shots, and Chloe and Chelsea kiss, and then they dare the brothers to kiss. Saxon obliges, and they peck at first… but then Lochlan pulls him in for a longer kiss. Saxon pulls away in confusion, but we don’t get to see where the rest of the night leads. Yet, anyway. 

“SHIA LABEOUF!” | Jaclyn, Kate and Laurie are partying it up, too, at a Thai beach club with Valentin and his scary Russian friends Aleksi and Vlad. (“My parents are dead,” Vlad confides in Kate. “And my sister is a bitch.”) They all hit the dance floor together, though, and when Jaclyn notices some younger girls eyeing her up from across the room, she pulls Valentin and Aleksi in closer to show off. They do some more shots — Valentin offers a toast in Russian that the ladies hear as “Shia LaBeouf!” — and Laurie is even drinking the guys under the table. Then the younger girls approach their table, with one of them yelling at Aleksi. (It seems like she and Aleksi have a thing, and she didn’t love him dancing with Jaclyn.) Temples flare, and the ladies decide it’s time to leave, but they invite the boys to join them at their villa… even though Kate doesn’t think it’s a great idea.

The party rages on at the ladies’ villa, with Vlad stripping down naked before jumping into the pool. Aleksi drops his trunks underneath the water… and Laurie drunkenly pulls off her top! It’s Girls Gone Wild: White Lotus Edition around here! The mood turns somber as Laurie complains about having to pay spousal support and Vlad tells tales of the mean aunt who raised him: “She broke bottles on my head.” They finally call it a night, to Kate’s great relief, and Aleksi invites them to the Muay Thai fight the next night before the men leave. Jaclyn thinks Laurie should’ve hooked up with one (or two) of them, but Laurie happily dances to bed alone. Later, though, Jaclyn opens her bedroom door to let in… Valentin, who she texted for a late-night hookup. “Let’s f–k,” she tells him as he climbs on top of her in bed. How’s Laurie going to feel about this, hmmm?

CONSENT GRANTED | Belinda, meanwhile, is still shaken by what she learned about Greg, and she’s even more shaken when Fabian tells her: “One of our regulars was just asking me all about you… I think you’ve caught his eye.” She tells him what she learned about Greg, but he blows her off: “It’s really not wise to stir anything up… I think you’ll survive.” (We hope so!) Belinda then confides in Pornchai, who assures her: “I’ll keep you safe.” In fact, he finds the source of the strange noises in her room: It was a lizard! He calmly shoos it out with an umbrella and agrees to stay with Belinda to calm her nerves. She invites him to stay in her bed, verbally giving him her consent — “Do you guys do that here? We just started.” — and they end up kissing. Yeah, get some, Belinda! You’re on vacation!

But there was plenty of non-sexual action going on this week, too:

* Piper finally told her parents that she plans to move to Thailand for a year, and Victoria had an epic meltdown for the ages: “You’re not a Buddhist! Honey, you’re not from China!” She’s convinced Piper is joining a sex cult, and was not reassured by the fact that the monastery’s head monk has written books: “So? Charles Manson wrote books! Bill Clinton wrote books! The list goes on!” She insisted on going to meet this monk in person with Timothy the next day before heading to bed without her pills: “I am gonna have to drink myself to sleep!” (This was Parker Posey’s time to shine, and we are here for it.)

* Rick arrived in Bangkok and met up with his old pal Frank, played by — Oscar winner Sam Rockwell! Frank hands him a black leather bag (“Hope you don’t need to use that”) and reveals he’s been sober for ten months: “I took the partying thing as far as it can go.” In fact, he tells a long story about how he used to do drugs and sleep with a different Asian girl every night, before he realized “maybe what I want to be is one of these Asian girls.” So then he hired a ladyboy to have sex with him, “and it was kind of magical.” He started dressing up like an Asian girl and having sex with white men (!), questioning who he really is inside and what he wants: “Guess I was trying to f–k my way to the answer.” Finally, he got sober and got off the wheel of desire — which could be an important lesson for Rick, we’re thinking. Frank still owes him a favor, though, and Rick asked him to keep the next night free… and later opened the black leather bag to pull out a gun. Uh-oh.

* Speaking of guns: Gaitok was in a panic after his gun went missing, and he reviewed the security cam footage to find that Timothy had taken it. He confronted Timothy in the bathroom (“I cannot find something. I think you have it”), but Timothy played dumb and headed back to the dinner table. He did have the gun, though, and that night, after Victoria went to bed, Timothy wrote a suicide note and held the gun to his temple. But he stopped when Victoria got up and asked him what’s going on: “You haven’t been acting like yourself, Tim.” He said he’s just stressed and told her he’s coming to bed — and then he clasped his hands in prayer and asked God to tell him what to do.

Got thoughts on this week’s (very eventful!) White Lotus? We’re at your service: Drop a comment card below.

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