AEW Revolution results, live streaming match coverage

All Elite Wrestling returns to pay-per-view TONIGHT (Sun., Mar. 9, 2025) with their sixth annual Revolution event. The first AEW PPV of the year comes our way from Arena in Los Angeles at 8pm ET.

A Zero Hour pre-show will stream live and free starting at 6:30 p.m. ET on All Elite’s YouTube channel, and right here at Cageside Seats.

The main card can be purchased on Triller,, Amazon, and YouTube, as well as on traditional PPV.

We’ll have predictions from the staff here, and a preview for the entire show here.

Cageside Seats will provide LIVE match-by-match coverage of Revolution below, beginning with the first match of the night and right on through to the main event.

Kick your off your shoes, relax, and enjoy all the action with your favorite pro wrestling website. And remember to keep refreshing!



Sean here for the first 30 minutes of the pre-show before the best in the business takes over. Standard rundown of the card with banter between pre-show panelists Renee Paquette, RJ City, Jeff Jarrett & Paul Walter Hauser. They’re joined by a pair of Queen of the Ring actresses to plug the movie (and one of them namedrops Kamille Brickhouse).

Business picks up when Harley Cameron joins, then invites QT Marshall on camera. QT says some shady things about celebrity wrestlers, which gets Hauser’s attention. They do a collar and elbow tie-up to demonstrate the Emmy winner’s skills, but Marshall still throws his drink on PWH as he’s leaving, so we’re guessing that will be a future PPV pre-show match. Speaking of which…

Blake Christian & Lee Johnson vs. Hologram & Komander

The non-luchadors jump the luchadors at start as the crowd files in, but LA still pops big for Komander & Hologram. They get some time in control before Komander plays face-in-peril as we’re reminded about the beating he & Hologram took last night on Collision. Lee & Blake fly around proving they can lucha with the best of them. The finish saw Komander hit a Destroyer on Johnson after jumping off Christian’s back while Hologram had him in a fireman’s carry. Komander also dove to the outside to make sure Big Shotty couldn’t break up…

Komander & Hologram def. Lee Johnson & Blake Christian via pinfall (Hologram on Christian following a 450 splash)

It’s criminal, there ought to be a law. Criminal, there ought to be a whole lot more. You get nothing for nothing, tell me, who can you trust? We got what you want and you’ve got the lust, so I’m “Crinoline” Claire Elizabeth and I’m gonna take over liveblogging this here pro wrestling show for you from my good pal “Stunning” Sean Rueter, folks.

“Red Death” Daniel Garcia & Undisputed Kingdom (Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly, & Roderick Strong) vs. Shane Taylor Promotions (Carlie Bravo, Lee Moriarty, Shane Taylor, & Capt. Shawn Dean)

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joins the commentary booth for this one.

Strong and Bravo to start, O’Reilly in, Kingdom lads in control and working Carlie over, quick tags ensue. Garcia in, he ends up on the wrong side of town, fired up to go at Taylor but all his pals jump back into the ring to fight him off! Windmill punches in the corner, quick tags and working Red Death over.

Vicious leg drop from Shane across the back of Daniel’s neck on the apron, pressing the attack… GARCIA GETS A BACK SUPLEX OFF ON THE BIG MAN AND TAGS O’REILLY IN! The match breaks down into “everybody do something cool” territory, Cole in on Moriarty, fireman’s carry neckbreaker over the knee, cover for two!

Headed up top, Garcia tags in before he can do anything, double leg and into the Dragontamer! Adam stares at him upset while Roddy and Kyle fend off threats from STP but Cole relents and lays Taylor out with a superkick as Lee finally gives…

Daniel Garcia & Undisputed Kingdom win by submission with Dragontamer from Garcia on Lee Moriarty.

Gravity meets with his mother and sister at ringside as he makes his entrance.

Before the match begins Chris Jericho attacks Gravity with Floyd and beats him down! The rest of the Learning Tree joins in and Bandido saves his brother but soon enough he falls to That Damn Numbers Game just the same and Big Bill chokeslams Gravity all the way back to Newton!

Chris tears Gravity’s mask off and hits him with the bat again and again while Bandido is forced to watch! Judas Effect…

No match.

Aubrey Edwards escorts their mother and sister to check on Gravity and Bandido but Jericho grabs Floyd again and has evil intentions! Bandido desperately tries to protect his mother and Chris kicks him in the damn face for it!

Renee Paquette and RJ City interview… Yung Gravy… backstage, who mostly talks about how exciting the show is.

“Big Boom” AJ & the Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy) vs. Johnny TV & MxM Collection (Mansoor & Mason Madden)

Cassidy and TV to start, trading taunts and stalling, off the ropes, duck under a springboard kick, soon enough Madden tags in and commentary does a solid ninety seconds about his pencil moustache. MxM taunting, Orange slides in and adds his thumbs up before going to the floor to chill with Big Justice and the Rizzler for a moment.

Mansoor out after, smashing a cookie on ground, Cassidy makes him eat it! Tide turns, MxM choking Orange in the ropes as Johnny and Taya Valkyrie make out in front of him! TV tags in, Cobra Twist, Cassidy fights out, roll through, block the sunset and Orange strides right over to tag Briscoe in!

Right hands to his left and to his right, block a German, enzuigiri on Mansoor and he’s fired up! Johnny with an axhandle from behind, whip to the corner, big boot knocks Madden down! Passing TV to the floor, of the ropes, wrecking ball dropkick and a blockbuster to the floor! Back inside, Johnny hits the Superstation but Mark kicks out!

Briscoe knocks Johnny down, missile dropkick connects, fired up and he tags AJ in! Big right hands for all three heels, he’s fired up, corner lariat on Mason! Whip stacks MxM up, lariat on both of ‘em! Right hands to TV, stack him up on top of ‘em, Stinger Splash gets a three-for-one sale!

Back body drop for Johnny, catch Mansoor on a dive, big belly-to-belly suplex! Mason with a goozle, telling him it’s over and choking him, telling referee Bryce Remsburg to just count him out now because he has the goozle! Belly-to-belly suplex counters, Big Boom gets him set up but Taya Valkyrie runs inteference and the heels cut him down!

More kissing, but Harley Cameron pulls Valkyrie down and throws her into the barricade! AJ with a kick to the midsection, Powerboom connects! Mansoor in with a superkick, mounted punches in the corner… BIG JUSTICE RUNS IN AND HITS A POWERBOMB OF HIS OWN AND GETS A SNAP ZOOM HUG FROM HIS DAD!

Big Boom turns around and runs right into a leg lariat from Madden! Mason turns and stalks after Big Justice but Briscoe makes the save and sets up for an Orange Punch! Lifting Mason up…

“Big Boom” AJ & the Conglomeration win by pinfall with a Triple Powerboom on Mason Madden.

Post-match, Murder Machines come down to confront our babyface team but “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs makes the save and hits a spinebuster on Madden by way of demonstration, sending the heels packing.

Some fellows we’re told are from the Righteous Gemstones slide into the ring and powerbomb Mansoor for good measure. One of them is wearing a “Remember when RoboCop shot that dude in the dick?” t-shirt and I mean yeah of course I do that shit rules buddy.

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Squaring up and trading punches out the gates, Page gets the better of the exchange and gets him into the corner, stomping a proverbial mudhole and referee Bryce Remsburg backs him off and my feed hangs. Lovely. Friedman turns the tide, side headlock, off the ropes, Max catches him, powerbomb backbreaker… NOPE!

A drop of blood on MJF’s forehead, off the ropes, he hits the dick bump and poses in the ropes! Hanger’s mad now, Friedman talks about how this is his company, and Adam meets him with right hands! Headbutt, thumb to the eye, Page kips up, right hands, sending Max to the apron, triangle lariat misses but he catches him with the northern lariat and sends him to the floor!

Plancha follows, Friedman back on the apron and Hangman drops him with a big boot! Orihara moonsault follows! Back inside, thinking about Buckshot, waiting for MJF to rise but he stumbles out of the way and PAge is stymied! Charging in, back body drop in the corner sets up an Alabama Slam and then a capture DDT… SO CLOSE!

Small package, reversed, no good, Deadeye blocked, folding press from Friedman, cover for two! Basement superkick, piledriver reversed… DEADEYE ONLY GETS TWO! Max gets him in the ropes, Heatseeker blocked, Buckshot connects but MJF gets a foot on the ropes! Another lariat, back out to the apron, waiting for MJF to get this feet but he turns around and falls to the floor!

Friedman grinds Page down with an armbar at some length, Hangman gets away and goes to the floor but his arm gives out so he shifts gears, cartwheel off the barricade to get him up, reversed… MJF HITS A PILEDRIVER INTO A CHAIR AT RINGSIDE! AEW medical checking on Page while referee Bryce Remsburg issues his count… HANGMAN BEATS THE COUNT!

Max looks about like he’s gonna cry, grabs him by the head and jaws at him, throwing him out to the apron… HEATSEEKER COUNTERED AND PAGE STEPS THROUGH THE ROPES TO HIT DEADEYE! Underhooks… ANGEL’S WINGS SPIKES MJF RIGHT ON HIS FOREHEAD! Out to the apron, Adam with a crazed look in his eyes waiting for Friedman to get to his feet, rubber-legged…

“Hangman” Adam Page wins by pinfall with Buckshot.

Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Momo Watanabe (AEW TBS Championship)

Collar and elbow, Mone gets her in the corner, dancing, hammerlock applied, off the ropes, drop down, more dancing, Watanabe with a kick to the midsection, lining her up, but Mercedes cowards and gets headpats instead! A shoving match breaks out, side headlock, shot off, shoulder block, leg kicks, Momo off the ropes, duck the kick, roll through!

Big slap from Mone, knucklelock, lucha arm drag blocked, Watanabe locks a crossface hammerlock in! Mercedes fights out, Momo catches her, adjusts her position, countered with a victory roll! Watanabe kicks her damn face in! Mone recovers, crossface applied in the middle of the ring and Momo gets the ropes!

Upkick fends the champion off but she slides right back in with double knees! Mercedes draws her up on the apron, jockeying for position… MERCEDES MONE POWERBOMB TO THE FLOOR! Victory roll gets her two, kneeling armbar applied, Watanabe fights to her feet, landing elbows, off the ropes, up for the Mone Maker but she reverses, backslide, roll through, Beach Break… MERCEDES KICKS OUT!

Momo looking for the Three Amigos, back and forth in the aftermath and she gets the crossface hammerlock all the way in! Mone reveses to a cover, Watanabe goes back to it from standing, countered with the lungblower! Fighting out to the apron, Momo clocks her with a kick, back inside, arm-trap crossface applied!

Fighting out, Mercedes tries a powerbomb, cover for two! Up top… WATANABE BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPERPLEX FOR TWO! Another throw, another nearfall! Lining her up, buzzsaw roundhouse kick connects… STILL NO! Mone turning it around, nearfall, Mone Maker connects, right into the crossface…

Mercedes Mone wins by submission with the arm-trap crossface, retaining the AEW TBS Championship.

Ricochet vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland (AEW World Championship #1 Contender’s Match)

Both men trying to end it early, ducking and dodging, Ricochet out to the floor, Strickland gives chase, back in, lots of fancy maneuvering, Swerve gets La Atlantida and drops Rick ribs-first into his shoulders! Slapping the back of Ricochet’s head, diving corkscrew elbow drop!

Back outside, Prince Nana tries to help, there’s a miscommunication and he leaves! Ricochet lands a House Call on Swerve, back inside, diving lariat, quebrada… NOPE! Leslie Jones show in the crowd pacing and worried for Strickland, rear chinlock applied by Ricochet! Backbreaker and a dropkick and Shane has some breathing room!

Ricochet is first to press the attack, big lariat, up top, jockeying for position, both men back down on the mat! Rick with an enzuigiri, springboard Hurricanrana… SO CLOSE! Swerve reverses, powerbomb, tosses him up into a powerslam… SO CLOSE! To the apron, Strickland blasts him with a kick, electric chair, reversed… POISON FRANKENSTEINER ON THE DAMN APRON!

Setting Swerve up on the announce desk, Strickland fights out, trading shots, underhooks… COP KILLER INTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE AND IT DOES! NOT! BREAK! Back inside, Swerve Stomp… RICOCHET KICKS OUT! Up to his knees, he collapses, Shane stalks after him, Ricochet tries to hit him low but Swerve blocks! Northern lights suplex, roll through into a brainbuster, Rick is fired up!

Up top… 630 SENTON BUT STRICKLAND’S NOT GOING OUT LIKE THAT! NANA IS BACK AND HE TAKES HIS ROBE BACK! Rollup for two, Ricochet with a waistlock, off the ropes, suicide dive wipes Prince Nana out and Ricochet takes the robe back! Strickland dives… AND RICOCHET COUNTERS WITH A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON THE FLOOR!

Throwing Shane back inside, drawing him up, inverted facelock, up for Vertigo… SWERVE KICKS OUT! RICOCHET’S FACE IS A MASK OF SHOCK AND FEAR! He backs into the corner, linesh im up, but Nana has the robe and cuts his momentum off! Ricochet pulls him inside, Swerve is on him, O’Connor roll for two!

Ricochet shoves Swerve into Nana in the corner, rollup of his own, only two! HOUSE CALL! ANOTHER ONE BUT RICOCHET KICKS OUT! Strickland gets him up… BIG PRESSURE! IT IS OVER!

Shane “Swerve” Strickland wins by pinfall with Big Pressure, becoming #1 contender to the AEW World Championship.

Post-match, Swerve collects the Embassy robe from the corner and gets on one knee to return it to Prince Nana. THEY HUG AND NANA DANCES BEFORE PUTTING THE ROBE BACK ON SWERVE’S SHOULDERS!

Brody King vs. Kazuchika Okada (c) (AEW Continental Championship)

I’m downstairs getting a beverage and miss the bell. Back upstairs, feeling out, Okada goes for a slam and can’t budge King but Brody drops him with a slam and the Rainmaker goes to the floor clutching his back! King follows after and makes him regret it, chops against the barricade, throwing him into the barricade, back inside and Kazuchika gets him in the corner for some forearms.

Brody fires back chops, this time Okada gets the scoop and the slam and he’s feeling it! Jockeying for position in the corner, King connects with a superplex and both men are down! Chops and a lariat, Kazuchika pops right back up, another lariat, a back body drop, this time he rolls to the floor! Off the ropes, suicide dive connects, back inside, more lariats, Okada counters the piledriver lift and hits the Reverse Neckbreaker!

Diving elbow drop follows, but Brody turns the tide and hits the cannonball in the corner, cover for two! Okada cheats a belt shot in while referee Rick Knox is looking the other way getting a chair out of the ring… BUT BRODY KING KICKS OUT! Drawing Brody up… HE COUNTERS THE RAINMAKER WITH A LARIAT OF HIS OWN!

Powerbomb lift, Okada fights out, King with a big headbutt, Stinger Splash in the corner! A little back and forth…

Kazuchika Okada wins by pinfall with a Rainmaker, retaining the AEW Continental Championship.

Hurt Syndicate (Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin) (c) vs. the Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd (AEW World Tag Team Championship)

Magnum and Benjamin to start, Truth finds himself overwhelmed and tags Floyd in, big slap, another one, whip reversed, float over, waistlock, O’Connor roll denied. Shelton with a side headlock, Magnum tags back in, double-teams, double clothesline sends the Gold Standard to the floor!

Lashley choking Floyd, Truth blasts him off the apron! Tide turns, Bob tags in, working Magnum over in the corner, big swinging neckbreaker connects and the heat segment rolls on! Eventually Floyd gets back in and the Outrunners get their hope spot, fired up, Predator handshake elbow drop connects!

Out on the floor, Magnum puts Bob into the steps! Benjamin with right hands but Turbo shakes ‘em off and runs out up! Right hands, whip to the corner, lariat, but Shelton cuts him off with a right hand! Knuckle lock, up top, ropewalk arm drag connects but Benjamin pops up and wallops him… TRUTH BREAKS IT UP!

Lashley comes in and chokeslams Magnum, off the ropes, spear to Truth! Shelton rising knee on Turbo, and Bob spears him too…

Hurt Syndicate win by pinfall with a spear from Bobby Lashley on Turbo Floyd to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship.

Mariah May vs. Toni Storm (c) (AEW Women’s World Championship Falls Count Anywhere Match)

May charges Toni during her entrance, Frye/Takayama punches on the stage and we are off! Storm and Luther set up a table, Mariah spits at him and fights with Toni, front chancery, fighting back and forth, basement DDT… NOPE! MARIAH HAS A STUN GUN BUT LUTHER GRABS HER ARM! She kicks him low and throws him through a table!

Back to Toni… TONI STORM CHOKEBOMB OFF THE STAGE AND THROUGH A TABLE DANGERRROUS! Cover… NO! Back down by the ring, Storm slams her again, sets her up, charges in but May sidesteps the running hip attack… AND HITS A STORM ZERO ON THE STEEL STEPS! Toni pouring blood after the piledriver, Mariah takes her back inside, tree of woe, chair leaned against her… HIP ATTACK INTO THE CHAIR!

Both women grab champagne buckets and tape into the ring… TAIPEI TAPED FIST BROKEN GLASS DEATHMATCH ACTION BABY! STORM PUNCHES MAY RIGHT IN THE TIT WITH A GLASS-LOADED FIST! Mariah spills to the floor, Storm spills the buckets, covering the ring in broken glass and dragging her in… SHE JAMS THE JAGGED BROKEN BOTTLENECK INTO MAY’S FOREHEAD! MARIAH WITH A BROKEN GLASS LOW BLOW!

May with a Frankensteiner into the glass, Mayday… TONI STORM KICKS OUT OF BROKEN GLASS! Fireman’s carry, Toni slips out… STORM ZERO ON THE GLASS BUT MARIAH WON’T STAY DOWN! Both women with crimson masks, Storm goes out to the floor and gets the shoe! May runs away up the ramp, stumbling and crawling, she gets to the title belt left laying during Toni’s entrance and the champion stomps her face into it!

Whipping her with the belt, Toni picks the shoe back up, May crawling her way back up her, begging for mercy, fireman’s carry… MAYDAY ON THE STAGE ISN’T ENOUGH TO PUT HER DOWN! Going up on some crates stacked next to the table, Storm cuts her off, shoe in hand… SHE CUFFS MARIAH IN THE HEAD WITH THE PUMP REPEATED! STORM ZERO THROUGH THE DAMN TABLE! TONI FALLS INTO A COVER LIKE A SWEET EMBRACE! IT IS OVER!

Toni Storm wins by pinfall with Storm Zero through a table on the stage, retaining the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Post-match, Storm realizes how she’s laying and gently sets her head back down on Mariah’s bosom. I did not expect to be crying tonight.

After a moment she gets back up again and pulls herself closer and it’s all rather beautiful.

Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita (c) (AEW International Championship)

Collar and elbow, Takeshita with a side headlock, Omega fights out of it, face to face jawing, a shove, trading elbows with abadon in the middle of the ring! Action to the floor, brawling, Konosuke with a flapjack into the apron! Back inside, Takeshita works him over and throws him back outside, where Don Callis gets a few cheap shots in while the referee is occupied!

Poor Don Callis hurt him widdle hamd.

Anyway, back inside, mounted punches, Kenny goes to charge and just gets back body dropped hard! Out to the apron, Omega goes for broke with a diving lariat and comes up a winner! Stalking after Konosuke, drawing him up, the “YOU CANNOT ESCAPE” Finlay roll connects! Up on the barricade, the champion gets up and shoves him down!

Back inside, back and forth, Kenny boxes his ears, up and over, springboard crossbody connects! Chops and jabs, whip reversed, fireman’s carry, Finlay roll to the springboard moonsault, cover for two! Off the ropes, Frankensteiner from Omega sends him to the floor, he sees his opportunity, Callis trips him up on the Terminator dive and Konosuke rushes back in to cut him off!

On the floor, back and forth, Takeshita puts him gut-first into the edge of an overturned table and Omega comes up clutching his diverticulitis! Back inside, senton, Kenny has the knees up! Konosuke argues with referee Paul Turner for some reason, scoop and a slam, he goes up top and this time Omega just rolls away from the senton!

Both men spent, drawing deep on their reserves as they throw staggering elbows at each other, trading punches, a body blow sends Kenny sprawling! Off the ropes, Omega counters a lariat into a Dragon suplex! Second Dragon blocked, big elbow to the midsection! Off the ropes, Kenny with a V-Trigger, powerbomb, another V-Trigger… NOPE!

Blue Thunder Driver connects but Kenny kicks out! Big boot in the corner, setting Omega up top, Kenny gets a powerbomb out of the corner… NOT ENOUGH! Looking for One-Winged Angel but his midsection gives out! Takeshita with the Tombstone piledriver, adjusting his grip, wheelbarrow revolution Tombstone… THE BEST BOUT MACHINE KICKS OUT!

Running knee, cover for two, another running knee… OUT AT ONE! Kenny putting it together, ripcord V-Trigger, piledriver… SO CLOSE! Takeshita blocks a V-Trigger, elbows, V-Trigger counters a rolling elbow… POISON FRANKESTEINER CONNECTS AND CALLIS GETS UP FROM COMMENTARY AGAIN!

Lining him up, V-Trigger connects! Electric chair, Konosuke slips out, Omega slips out, crucifix pin for two! Rolling around, another try… HE DID IT!

Kenny Omega wins by pinfall with a crucifix pin to become the new AEW International Champion.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Will Ospreay (Steel Cage Match)

Trading shots out the gates, my feed is choppy as hell and I have to take a moment to refresh it. When I get it back up, Fletcher is in control, disdainful kick, chops against the ropes, Ospreay busted open and my feed is still struggling but I get to see Kyle lick the chain link in full beautiful HD glory, so that’s nice.

Will with a crimson mask, putting a comeback together, and things are bad enough now that I really feel like I have no other option but to reboot my computer, so I’ll see you on the other side, Cagesiders!

Alright, back up and running, jockeying for position in the turnbuckles, Ospreay hits the Spiral Tap… SO CLOSE! Fletcher hits his Last Ride… WILL KICKS OUT AT THE LAST SECOND! Big elbow from Ospreay sets Kawada kicks up, trading Kawada-style shin kicks one at a time and Will winds up with a big rolling elbow!

Kyle hits a sheerdrop brainbuster… SO CLOSE! Mark Davis brings a bad of plunder to the ring but he’s not happy about it, and Fletcher kicks the door into his own tag team partner’s face! Ospreay grabs a barbed wire baseball bat and wallops Kyle with it before grinding it into his face!

Will with a lil Cactus Jack “BANG BANG!”, stalking after Fletcher with Barbie as he begs for mercy and puts on a United Empire armband but Will flips him off! KYLE UPPERCUTS HIM RIGHT IN THE GENTLEMAN’S AREA! Recovered, Hidden Blade connects, Storm Breaker follows it up, cover… DAVIS BREAKS IT UP WITH HIS OWN FACE COVERED IN BLOOD!

Choking Will, he lets go, referee Paul Turner tells him to get out, he helps Fletcher to his feet and Kyle yells in Ospreay’s face! Helping him up, looking for Coriolis… WILL COUNTERS WITH A POISON FRANKENSTEINER! VAN DAMINATOR STYLE HIDDEN BLADE THROUGH A CHAIR! Climbing the cage… OSCUTTER OFF THE CAGE WALL BUT FLETCHER KICKS OUT!


He sets a chair up… BRAINBUSTER THROUGH THE CHAIR AND WILL OSPREAY KICKS OUT AT THE EXACT LAST FRACTION OF A SECOND! Kyle dumps a bag of tacks out in the ring… STYLES CLASH INTO THE TACKS AND SOMEHOW FLETCHER KICKS OUT DESPITE THE TACKS STUDDING HIS CHEST! Both men climbing the cage, Ospreay has the screwdriver in his teeth!

Seated atop the cage, fighting over the screwdriver, bashing their heads into each other… WILL SPIKES HIM WITH THE SCREWDRIVER! Ospreay perches, he’s got dangerous intentions… SPANISH FLY OFF OF THE CAGE DANGERRROUS! Will screaming mad in the corner, a being of pure fury, Fletcher screams about how much he hates him… HIDDEN BLADE! TIGER DRIVER ‘91 AND WE ARE DONE HERE!

Will Ospreay wins by pinfall with the Tiger Driver ‘91.

Ash Avildsen is interviewed in the crowd to promote Queen of the Ring and he’s got a couple women who were in the movie who talk about what they’ve gotten out of wrestling after starring in a movie about wrestling.

Adam Copeland vs. Jon Moxley (c) (AEW World Championship)

Trading elbows in the middle of the ring, hitting each other as hard as they can, Moxley at one point sounds like he says he’s gonna break Copeland’s jaw but Adam smacks the last word out of his mouth! Jon knocks him down successfully, but he gets right back up and they keep swinging!

Copeland knocks him to the floor with a lariat, wrecking ball dropkick follows, off the top with a plancha! Back inside, sleeper hold from Jon, switching gears, looking for a piledriver, to the apron, diving lariat from Adam! Mox takes control, targeting his neck, chainsawing his forearm across Copeland’s throat and smashing it with an elbow!

Neckbreaker on the apron, Jon slides back inside, cover for two. Neck crank, Adam rolls back to the apron, Moxley drags him inside and puts the neck crank back on in the ropes! Crossface strikes in the ropes, back inside and choking him with his shin! Desperate chop from Copeland, Jon kicks him in his head and then kneels on his back and pulls back on his head!

Referee Bryce Remsburg warns him off, Adam struggles to his feet, champion laying in wait, sidestep the charge, schoolboy for two but Moxley pops up into an Ace Crusher! Stalking around the ring, considering his next move, Copeland catches him with the Impaler and gets some breathing room!

Desperation lariat follows it up, Adam trying to will himself back into the fight, a flapjack opens the door a little wider, another lariat, a third, a fourth, duck under, Edge-o-Matic connects! Setting Jon up top, climbing to join him, superplex connects!

Double wristlock, shifting gears to an arm-trap crossface, grinding away at Moxley as he crawls for the ropes, and he forces the break. To the apron, Copeland spears him through the ropes! Jon throws Adam into the steel steps! Moxley tells the camera that he’s gonna break Adam’s neck and send him home now!

He pulls the mats up and exposes the concrete floor in front of the announce desks while Ken Jeong looks on disinterested. (No, really.) Copeland counters a piledriver with a back body drop, Moxley counters a spear with a front kick and hits Blackout on the concrete like his old buddy Tyler Black!

Back inside, cover for two, cuffing him with crossface strikes, the bulldog choke is locked on! Adam gets to his feet and fights out, Jon shifts gears… PILEDRIVER CONNECTS BUT SOMEHOW COPELAND KICKS OUT! Sleeper hold applied, Adam flagging but not failing, Mox shifts back to the bulldog choke and posts up on his hips to add pressure!

Adam gets the ropes and forces the break again! Referee Bryce Remsburg admonishes Moxley for being slow to break and Jon is not hapy about it! Out to the floor, he takes a chair from a haggard looking cable management technician, Remsburg takes it from home, Copeland with an O’Connor roll, kick out and Edge crashes into Bryce and sends him to the floor!

Moxley hits a Paradigm Shift but doesn’t bother to make the cover given the lack of a referee! Jon goes and gets two chairs, he’s thinking about a Con-Chair-To but Copeland kicks the chair out of his hand and into his face! \

Wheeler YUTA comes down as both men slowly rise… BUSAIKU KNEE TO ADAM COPELAND! JAY WHITE MAKES THE SAVE AND BEATS WHEELER UP! He takes the briefcase from Moxley, Jon ducks, and White cracks Copeland in the face with it! YUTA pulls him out of the ring and they brawl up the gutter next to the ramp!

Remsburg recovered, Moxley with a cover… ADAM KICKS OUT! Jon argues with Bryce, Copeland hits a spear… NOT ENOUGH! Another spear connects, a third… CHRISTIAN CAGE PULLS REMSBURG OUT OF THE RING! HE’S CASHING IN! HE SMACKS COPELAND WITH THE CONTRACT!

Adam Copeland vs. Christian Cage vs. Jon Moxley (c) (AEW World Championship)

He hits a spear on Copeland but Adam kicks out! Killswitch but Moxley pulls him off the pin and into the bulldog choke! Christian puts one hand on Copeland for a cover but Jon pulls him off of the cover and in moments Cage is out and Bryce has to call it…

Jon Moxley wins by referee stoppage with the bulldog choke on Christian Cage, retaining the AEW World Championship.

Post-match, Prince Nana confronts Jon Moxley in one of the exits to the concourse! The camera pans back to reveal Shane Strickland perched on the balcony… HE DIVES ON MOXLEY AND THE PAY-PER-VIEW IS SAVED!

That’s the show, folks.

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